I4HR is a consultancy firm, founded in Paramaribo, Suriname. We contribute to the growth and development of your company by providing high quality HR services and tools.

What we offer

The basic principle of any organization is that the employees are the most important resources and they must therefore be used and managed as effectively and efficiently as possible to achieve maximum returns. To be able to implement this, an HR strategy must be in place and systems and tools must be developed for implementation.
i4HR meets this need by offering high quality HR services and tools to organization’s regarding:


With our extensive experience in the corporate sector we provide tailor made solution...


We act as HR counterpart to the customer and take care of the recruiting process...


Hiring the ``wrong`` employee is costly, a waste of energy and very frustrating for both parties...

About i4HR

We focus on the development and growth of the HR field in general and Human Resources Management in organizations in particular, by offering high-quality HR services, tools and knowledge transfer.
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